Full Name: Vaibhav Arun Mahajan
Education: Bcom
Stream : Bcom
Name of Institute: N.G Bedekar college of commerce
Location of Institute: Thane
Learn IT Do IT Program: Human Resource ( Training and Development )
Your Key Activities and Experiences gained in Learn IT Do IT program: Training and Development- 1. Created training module on • Building positive • Common interview questions and how to evaluate and interpret the replies • Communication and its importance for managers • Communication and listening skills for interviewers • Enhancing your productivity • Limitation of an interview • Types of interview and choosing the best one for the role 2. Performed research on the best practices in HR across the globe.
Career Aspiration: To provide quality, cost-effective training designed to increase individual and organizational productivity and enrichment.
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaibhav-mahajan-297a7a111
