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Tanvi Thanekar Certificate Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence LIDI Program

Full Name: Tanvi Thanekar

Education: Btech (CS) ,PGDM DataScience

Stream : Computer Technology

Name of Institute: VIT

Location of Institute: Pune

Learn IT Do IT Program: Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence

Your Key Activities and Experiences gained in Learn IT Do IT program: Technical Knowledge, Team work and collaboration. My main focus was working on FAQ HR Recruitment Chatbot in first phase and later working on chatbot which will extract jobs from website as per requirements/skillsets/experience of user. Working in ML domain is always challenging and everyday I learn something new.

Career Aspiration: Technical Knowledge, Team work and collaboration. My main focus was working on FAQ HR Recruitment Chatbot in first phase and later working on chatbot which will extract jobs from website as per requirements/skillsets/experience of user. Working in ML domain is always challenging and everyday I learn something new.


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