Full Name: Ambika Seth
Education: Pursuing Graduation, B.A. Programme
Stream: Psychology and HR
Name of Institute: Kamala Nehru College, Delhi University
Location of Institute: New Delhi
Learn IT Do IT Program: Career Counselling
Your Key Activities and Experiences gained in Learn IT Do IT program: The training session was very informative. I got to learn a lot beginning from what career counselling is, an extensive study of personality and its types and which careers are suited for particular career types. I also learnt about the administration and interpretation of tests along with how questions are framed for them. I also learnt the actual conduction of career counselling session with the help of documents provided (questions to be asked, feedback and follow up forms etc).
Career Aspiration: I want to pursue the field of career counselling in future.
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ambika-seth-b469b11b3