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Saloni Gupta Certificate General Management LIDI Program

Full Name: Saloni Gupta

Education: MBA

Stream : HR

Name of Institute: Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies

Location of Institute: Pune

Learn IT Do IT Program: General Management

Your Key Activities and Experiences gained in Learn IT Do IT program :

1. Conducting interviews with respect to Intern selection and recruitment

2. On-boarding Activities and On-the-Job Training

3. Project Allocation

4. Team Supervisor

5. Preparing the organisation structure and updating it with respect to everyday changes

6. Keeping report of intern feedback and updating the program with respect to various feedback

7. Exit interviews and procedures with respect to Interns finishing the program Learn-It-Do-It platform gave me ample opportunities to convert my theoretical knowledge into practical use. As it says, you learn it when you do it!

Career Aspiration: I have a passion for human resources and working with employees to improve their quality of life through support and communication. One of my main goals is to develop my knowledge of human capital management and promote employee wellness programs. To be 60% better than what I am today in the next 5 years.


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