Full Name: Prateek Gupta
Education: B.Tech
Stream : Computer Science and Engineering(CSE)
Name of Institute: Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Kalyani
Location of Institute: Kalyani, West Bengal
Learn IT Do IT Program: Web Development
Your Key Activities and Experiences gained in Learn IT Do IT program:
Key deliverables for me were -
1. Scraping data from various career sites to get latest jobs
2. Scraped data from naukri, shine, timesjobs, etc.
3. Built a website from scratch which fetches and displays this scraped data.
4. Built this website using React frontend and Django backend.
5. Deployed the built site to production.
Career Aspiration: To become an expert in Web Development.
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/prateekjpg